Contact Us
At EZMerp
Questions or Inquires?
Feel free to reach out to us!
5445 DTC Parkway, DTC Quadrant
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
We’re Here For You
Reach us now with our quick form submission! All we need is your Name, Email, and Message, and we’ll be with you shortly!

What is the broker’s commissions?
Commissions are variable. We work with your broker. If there is an agency involved we can accommodate that as well.
Does your company have a rating?
We are not rated. MERP Administration Services, Inc. is a private company with the express purpose of administering medical expense reimbursements plans.
Who is re-insuring LG claims?
We have no large claims. All our plans are supplemental MERPs and our largest risk on a per person basis has not exceeded $5000. Our average risk is closer to $4000. We do guarantee our claims projections for each plan. To provide financial integrity to that guarantee we have established a captive insurance company (CHIC). The captive is managed by Management Services International. This reinsurance is on EZMerp to ensure the financial integrity of our guarantee. It is not a contract with the client.
Where can you operate? What state(s), industry, etc.
Since we are an administration company, and we do not have a client reinsurance contract, we can operate in all 50 states. All of our communications (documents, employee communications, billing, claims payments) are digital.
What has been the company prior year trend and current renewal season trend?
We ha e a 10-year history of doing this. Claims prediction have been accurate and steady for this entire period. With that in mind our renewals have been in the 5% to 10% range for the majority of our clients. As with anything in group health market we do have occasional outlier client; that’s why we provide the guarantee. For renewals on these clients, we seek to take into account all relevant circumstances and make the best effort possible for all.
Can a client receive a refund from unused claim fund?
What is the run-off period?
We do the incurred in 12, paid in 18. This is a rolling basis, so employees are required to submit claims within 6 months of the processed date.
Are the rates guaranteed for 12/months?
Is the client responsible for any additional expense/billback/premium?
How does UW calculate funding claim bucket?
Jim Stowe, the founder has more than 30 years of experience in self-funding group health. The calculation of claims is based on years of data collected from that. At this point our claims projections are based more on the client base of EZMerp as we now have several hundred years of data.
What kind of products-plans are available?
Our plans are basically free-form. We can work with any underlying carrier and construct virtually any benefit plan to fit.
What kind of products-plans are available?
Our plans are basically free-form. We can work with any underlying carrier and construct virtually any benefit plan to fit.